
Friday, December 7, 2012

How to add iphone icon to your website

Ever since the original iPhone, the mobile Safari browser has featured a nice little option to add an icon for the displayed website on the home screen. It’s a visual bookmark – when the user touches the icon, it will launch Safari and navigate to the website.
Follow these instructions to add a website bookmark to your home screen – it works on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, but the screenshots are taken from the iPhone:

1. In Safari, visit the website you want to store as a bookmark icon then touch the action button.

2. On the popup menu, touch the “Add to Home Screen” option.

3. Change the name to suit you. Don’t choose a name that’s too long because it needs to fit under a standard icon. Touch the Add button when you’re ready.

4. You’ll return to the home screen, which is now showing a new icon.
You’ll notice that the icon displays a miniature screenshot of the website. However, if the website offers an iPhone icon, it will actually show the icon instead.
If you have a website and you would like to offer your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad visitors an icon for their home screens, please continue reading for a tutorial on how to do it.
Note: To continue, you should have (a) a basic understanding of an image editor application so that you can open the image you want to use as an icon and resize it to fit specific dimensions, and (b) knowledge of transferring files to your website’s server.

The easy method

The easiest way to add a single icon that suits both types of iPhone screens (standard resolution and Retina Display) and iPad screens is to create a single PNG image with the dimensions 150 x 150 pixels. The filename for the PNG image must be:
You must then upload your new file to the root directory of your website, which is where Safari will look for it when adding the icon to the home screen. e.g. "http://yourdomain/apple-touch-icon.png".
After you have uploaded the new icon image, you can then use the instructions earlier in the post to ensure it works properly when adding the icon to your home screen. Notice that by default iOS automatically resizes the icon, applies shimmer and gloss effects to it and then rounds the edges to match the standard icon shape, size and style.
You’ll also find that some third party apps make good use of the icon if it’s available. For example, this is a screenshot from Reeder for iPad showing the icon for the Cellcode RSS feed:

Using the style that suits your icon

You may have noticed that the icon I have used doesn’t look so great with the standard shimmer and gloss effects applied on the home screen – it interferes with the design of the logo. Luckily, Apple understands that there’s a need for icons without the effects applied and they offer us the ability to show the icon as-is by using the following filename for the PNG image in your website’s root directory instead:

Getting the icon exactly as you want it and sizing it correctly for different iOS screen resolutions

If you prefer to have the icon fully rendered exactly as you want it to look for each of the three supported iOS screen resolutions, you’ll need to use Adobe Photoshop or an equivalent package to create the icons for the right sizes. You can download a good Photoshop template to help you make your icons match the required shapes and sizes. When you are happy with the way each icon looks, you’ll need to export the icons with the following filenames and place them in the root directory of your website:
iPhone standard icon (57 x 57 pixels) apple-touch-icon-57×57-precomposed.png
iPhone Retina Display icon (114 x 114 pixels) apple-touch-icon-114×114-precomposed.png
iPad icon (72 x 72 pixels) apple-touch-icon-72×72-precomposed.png
You can keep the default icon apple-touch-icon.png that you created earlier in the root directory of your website alongside these new resolution-specific icons. Usually, third party apps will use the default icon and Safari will automatically look for the icon filename that should suit the device best. Safari will only use the default icon or an incorrectly sized icon if it can’t find a file that best matches the screen resolution.
Now the icons look exactly as I want them to:

Having different icons for different pages

So far we have covered specifying icons for a whole website by placing the icon PNG files in the root directory of your website, but Apple also offers the ability to specify icons for individual pages with meta tags. Using this method, you are welcome to name the icon PNG files exactly as you wish because Safari will be looking for the value in the meta tag rather than the image in the root directory. For a single icon that suits all sizes, you should place the following meta tag after the <head> tag and before the </head> tag, where “my_icons/icon_filename.png” is the path location of the icon PNG file that you have created:
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="my_icons/my_icon_file_path.png" />
If you have created resolution-specific icons, you should place the following meta tags after the <head> tag and before the </head> tag, replacing the href values with the actual location paths of the icons on your website:
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon-iphone.png" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="apple-touch-icon-ipad.png" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="apple-touch-icon-iphone-retina-display.png" />
Now you can control the icon used for the home screen depending on whichever page the user wanted to bookmark. It is recommended that you keep the default icon apple-touch-icon.png in the root directory of your website to ensure there is always an icon available if the meta tags are not present on individual pages.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Delete XP & Vista login password

Download and Burn the NTPasswd ISO

First, you will need to download the NTPasswd bootdisk. You can get it from this direct link -

Unpack the .zip archive with your favorite tool (or just double-click on it). Inside the archive should be an .ISO (cd image) file.

You will need to record this .ISO image to a blank CD. Double-clicking on the ISO should start up your favorite burning program and ask you for a blank CD. Or if it dosen't work  then you have to install an ISO recorder software such as UltraISO.

Boot from your new CD

Restart your computer with the CD you just burned still in your drive. You will need to boot from this CD.

Depending on the boot sequence set in the BIOS, the computer may automatically boot from the CD or it may be necessary to go into the BIOS Setup and change the order.

However, On most modern computers if you hold down <F12> while the computer is first booting up, you will get a Boot Menu where you can select the CD/DVD-ROM. If this doesn't work, consult your motherboard manual on how to boot from a CD.

Once you have successfully booted from the CD, you will be presented with the following screen:

Press <ENTER> to get started.

Select Windows partition

The next step allows you to choose where the Windows installation that you'd like to modify is located:

Usually, you will have only a single disk marked BOOT, that is the one you usually want to modify.

Enter the number of the boot disk (number 1 in this example), followed by <ENTER>.

Select Windows path and Registry components

Once you've selected the correct windows drive, you will be prompted to enter the location of the windows registry:

Unless you have installed windows to a non-default location, you can simply press <ENTER>.

You will then be prompted which Registry components you would like to load:

Accept the default value (press <ENTER>), and you should find yourself at the Main Menu.

Editing user accounts is exactly what we want to now do, so select option 1, and press<ENTER>

User selection and the User Edit Menu

You will now see a list of the user accounts in the system, and be asked to select which it is you would like to edit:

There are two actual User accounts in our example. The system default Administrator, and a user account VBox.

You should now enter the username you would like to reset the password for (in our example, that will be VBox) and press <ENTER>

You will now be shown some information about the user you have selected, and presented with the User Edit Menu:

Select the safest option for password recovery, 1 (blank the password) and press <ENTER>.

You should now see "Password cleared!", and be returned to the user selection prompt:

Type an exclamation point (!) followed by <ENTER> to return to the Main Menu.

Quit and Save

You should find yourself back at the main menu:

Select the quit option (type q) followed by <ENTER>.

A list of modified files will be displayed, along with a prompt asking if you are sure you want to save:

To write back the changes (and finish resetting the password), type y and press <ENTER>.

After a brief write-back period, the operation will be complete. You can now remove the CD from your CDROM, reboot your computer normally and log in under the newly liberated user account.

Help, I still can't login! Windows says the account is locked.

Put the CD you burned back in, and boot from it again. Repeat the process but at the User Edit menu select option 4 (Unlock and enable user account) instead of 1.
Now Enjoy......... ;)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Transfer files through FTP Command line

A command line FTP utility is available on Windows and Mac OS X and can be used without installing additional software. Command line FTP is a reliable tool for transferring files. You can also use it for testing when troubleshooting problems with the Dreamweaver or UltraDev FTP client. The instructions provided below show you how to use the command line FTP utility for Windows and Mac OS X.

Note:This TechNote provides basic instructions for using the command line FTP utility. For more detailed information, consult the documentation for your operating system.


1 To launch command line FTP utility, go to Start > Run and enter"cmd" into the Open field of the run dialog box. Click OK or press enter.

Note: If using Windows 98/95/Me, enter "command" instead of"cmd".

2 To change to a local directory that contains your site files, type cd followed by the path to the desired directory after the prompt.

Example: If your site files are stored in c:\sites\my_site, enter cd c:\sites\my_site.

3 At the prompt, enter ftp + FTP server name and press enter.

Note: The server name would be the same as the ftp host name used in the define sites dialog box in Dreamweaver and UltraDev.

Example: ftp

You are prompted to enter a user name. Following the prompt, enter the user name for the FTP account and press enter.

Note: If you are connecting to an FTP server that allows anonymous FTP, you don't need a valid account. However, use the preconfigured account called ftp (ftp is the same as anonymous) to access the server.

5 Enter your password when the password prompt appears and press enter.

Note:For security reasons, the password entered is not displayed on the screen.

6 When the' Login successful' message appears, you have successfully connected. You now know that the ftp server is up and running and that you can successfully connect to it from your machine.

At the ftp> prompt, you can run any FTP commands. To get a listing of acceptable FTP commands, simply enter a question mark (?) and press enter.

Note: You still see a list of FTP commands even if you are not successfully connected to the FTP server.

Commonly used FTP commands:

ls: directory listing equivalent to dir.
ls -l: long directory listing, more detail.
pwd: display the name of current directory.
cd: change directory.
lcd: change the local current directory.
get: to download the file from the FTP server.
put: to transfer file and place it on the FTP server.
mget: to download multiple files from the FTP server.
mput: to transfer multiple files to the FTP server.
prompt: to turn on/off interactive mode.
binary: to turn on binary mode.
ascii: to turn on ascii mode.
delete: to turn a file on FTP server.
status: to display how the current FTP session is configured.
mkdir: to make directory on FTP server.
quit/close/bye/disconnect: to disconnect from the FTP server

Note: All FTP commands are case sensitive and in lower case.

Mac OS X

1 To launch terminal, choose Hard Drive > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
2 At the UNIX shell prompt, you can change the current directory by typing cd + the path to the desired directory.
3 At the UNIX shell prompt, enter ftp + the FTP host name and press return.
4 Follow Windows steps 4 - 6.